• Question: Did you know that there is gravity in space you're just falling, which give the effect that there is no gravity

    Asked by pandalivv2005 to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich on 9 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by 🍕Caspar lee🍕.
    • Photo: Floris Van Den Berg

      Floris Van Den Berg answered on 9 Mar 2016:


      well, that’s not completely true. If you’re far away from big objects (planets/moons) there is hardly any gravity.

      In the ISS, which is still really close to earth, you still have over 90% of the gravity like here on earth, but because the ISS goes really fast, the what we call centrifugal forces make the astronauts fly away as fast as teh fall towards the earth, so it’s just like there is no gravity.


    • Photo: Columbus Operations

      Columbus Operations answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Tom: Yes, I knew it, because that’s the reason that the Moon is “kept” by the Earth – and the Earth by the Sun etc…
