• Question: What would we look like if humans evolved?

    Asked by THE BIG MAC to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich on 13 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by OliviaScottGolding.
    • Photo: Jenn Wadsworth

      Jenn Wadsworth answered on 13 Mar 2016:

      This depends on the environment future humans would evolve in, as evolution is always driven by adaptations to the environment! Also, humans haven’t stopped evolving!

    • Photo: Elie Allouis

      Elie Allouis answered on 14 Mar 2016:

      It depends where…
      We could evolve with bigger brains like we have in the past million year, maybe more fingers for quicker texting…(or fewer) 😛
      …but if we were on another planet we could evolve differently as well, like:
      – thinner bones and muscles on Mars and the Moon because we have less mass to support
      – if we were living with a thinner atmosphere, maybe we would increase our lung capacity, enlarged nostril or throat (to get more air in)

      … what do you think we would look like on a planet with stronger gravity?
