• Question: If you went into space what would you pack? I would pack: 1. My iPod touch 2. My Laptop 3. My Xbox 4. My iPhone 5. My wardrobe

    Asked by Ella White to Col Op, Elie, Floris, Jenn, RocketRich on 7 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by Martial_9, SoWhat169, T'keyah Mendes.
    • Photo: Richard Moss

      Richard Moss answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Dear Ella,
      If you visit the international space station, you would be lucky. They have a new power socket designed just for USB items 🙂
      I would take 1. chocolate 2. chocolate 3. noise canceling headphones and dramatic music 4. chocolate 5. ice-cream (chocolate flavour).
